Facebook Marketing without the Technobabble

Facebook provides a highly cost effective way of promoting your business directly to your ideal client. And as it is so affordable you can test different campaigns and work out the most effective approach for your products and services. There is much more to Facebook Marketing than just boosting a post which is where a lot of small business start, and finish.  To start with we need to identify the why, and the who?  A key part of the workshop is how to plan your marketing campaigns, including the setting of clear objectives and identifying your ideal target audience.  We then get specific about the mechanics, designing a campaign for your business, in real-time.

VIVID thinking’s hands on DIY Marketing Toolbox workshops will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to successfully manage your businesses Facebook Marketing. There are a vast array of free or paid for online courses out there that covers every aspect of digital marketing. The VIVID thinking Difference is two-fold. Firstly, its tailored, we will sit with you and work out your individual objectives and tailor the course to address these; and secondly, its hands-on you, will work on your business in real-time overseen by an experienced professional marketer with a proven track record.

Workshop Program: Planning your Campaign

  • Setting your objectives
  • Identifying your target audience
  • Selecting your channels
  • Designing your message
  • A quick look at advertising design (we recommend you look at our Get Creative course for a more in depth look at designing marketing collateral)

The Mechanics

  • Setting up Business Manager (recommended for multiple admins and for when working with agencies)
  • Effectively boosting a post
  • Create an advertising campaign
  • Create  A/B testing and work out which ads work better for your business
  • Create Events and Special Offer
  • Messenger Marketing, it’s easy to set up
  • The Instagram opportunity


  • Learn how to assess campaign outcomes; and
  • Identify improvements for your next campaign

Workshop Standard Inclusions:

  • Pre-workshop telephone or skype consultation of up to 30 minutes, one week prior to the workshop. Set your goals for the workshop to maximise your return on investment
  • 3 hour hands-on workshop (maximum 4 participants per Vivid facilitator)
  • DIY electronic resources covering the free cloud-based tools you can use to create professional quality graphics
  • Post-event one-on-one 30 minute follow up
  • Workshops can be tailored for businesses with a minimum of 4 attendees

Workshop Options:

  • One-on-one private workshops
  • Small group in house workshops tailored to the unique needs of your business
  • Small group public workshops

An upfront investment of only $399 can save you thousands each year in producing more effective marketing outcomes, and still more on outsourcing fees. Additional participants from your business can attend with you for only $299 each, subject to seat availability. To learn more about how Facebook Marketing without the Technobabble workshop will benefit your business, and for upcoming workshops, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you soon.

8 + 2 =

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The Space - Office 12 / Level 2
149 Beardy Street
Armidale NSW 2350

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