Privacy Policy

What will you use my information for?

Any information that Vivid Thinking collects about you will be used to fulfil any requests for information, proposals, orders, special offers or any other business requests made by you. It may also be used to provide a more personalised experience for any communications between us. From time-to-time I may also notify you about important changes to our website, or about information that I believe may be important or useful to you.

What won’t you use my information for?

Vivid Thinking is committed to protecting your privacy and the information collected will not be sold, traded, rented or provided to any other person or corporation.

Third party content or advertising

From time to time, if relevant opportunities arise, Vivid Thinking may display third party content such as newsletters or advertising on this site or place advertisements on other third party sites.  When you click on any third party advertisement placed on this site, or sign up for a third party newsletter or other content, you should always check and read the advertiser’s privacy policy, as we are not responsible in any way for their policies, content or products.

What happens if Vivid Thinking changes its privacy policy?

By using our website, requesting information or signing up for any of our offers, you are consenting to the collection of your information for the purposes stated above.  Should there be changes made to this privacy policy we will post the changes to this page, so that you will always be aware of what information is collected, how it may be used and under what circumstances it may be disclosed.

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